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Comunity Development

Extension Projects

FutUru Project

‘FutUru’ is a project with the goal of empowering women and the youth in Uru (Tanzania) by providing an interest-free loan system with starting capital. We create the opportunity for the villagers to start their own businesses and break free from poverty. Through this project, we aim to improve life for future generations. For personal stories of the women and youth, we want to help, and to learn more about the project and its progress, check our Instagram @FutUru_Tanzania.

Poor villagers with a sustainable business ideas can get a loan. During the process they are supported by Suede and Prisca, social workers of Tuleeni Orphans Home, who give them tools on how to run a business. When the business makes a profit, the person uses part of it to pay back the loan. With this money, other people will get a chance to be business owners! In this way, we will need little money and few volunteers.

Females of Uru experience hardships as they are usually the sole responsibility for providing for their entire family.

For example, Mama Angela is a 49-year-old woman who lives with her husband that does not contribute to the family. She takes care of 6 children on her own. Mama Angela used to sell fish on the streets, but her business collapsed due to a sudden increase in prices. She only needs a bucket of fish to restart her business and improve the living conditions of her children.
Mama Angela is just one of many villagers that experience hardships. You can check our Instagram @FutUru_Tanzania for more personal stories of the women and youth, and to learn more about the project and its progress.

Through FutUru, we provide the females and youth of Uru a second chance in life to attend (higher) education or open up a local business. The money collected through this GoFundMe will be used to provide an interest-free loan system with starting capital and financial consultancy.
The Tuleeni Orphanage oversees the system and distributes the capital to the villagers of Uru. The chosen villagers either already have the skills needed or showcase the high potential of acquiring the competence to start a successful business. After the local business generates profit, the villagers pay back the loan, and the money returned will later be used to support the next villagers.

FutUru opens doors for Uru’s villagers to start their own businesses and break free from poverty. With your donation, FutUru has the potential to improve life in Uru for all future generations.
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